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Welcome to the Ruby on Rails-specific documentation for On-Codemerge, a dynamic web editor designed for seamless integration with Ruby on Rails, enhancing Rails applications with advanced frontend editing capabilities.

Getting Started with Ruby on Rails

To use On-Codemerge in your Ruby on Rails project, you'll need to set up the frontend environment where the editor will be utilized.


  1. Using Webpacker (Rails 6 and later): If you are using Rails 6 or later, you likely have Webpacker installed. You can add on-codemerge to your JavaScript bundle.
yarn add on-codemerge
  1. Using the Asset Pipeline (Older Rails Versions): If you're using an older version of Rails or prefer the asset pipeline, you'll need to manually download on-codemerge and its dependencies, and include them in your app's assets.

Ruby on Rails Integration Example

Webpacker Integration (Rails 6+)

  1. Create a JavaScript Pack: In app/javascript/packs, create a new file (e.g., editor.js).
import EditorCore from 'on-codemerge';
import TextStylingButton from 'on-codemerge/textStylingButton';
import TableButton from 'on-codemerge/tableButton';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const editorElement = document.getElementById('editor');
if (editorElement) {
const editor = new EditorCore(editorElement);
editor.registerModule(new TextStylingButton());
editor.registerModule(new TableButton());
// ... additional configuration

editor.subscribeToContentChange((newContent) => {
console.log('Content changed:', newContent);

editor.setContent("Initial content goes here");
  1. Include the Pack in Your View: Use the javascript_pack_tag helper in your Rails view to include the editor pack.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'editor', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
<!-- Other head elements -->
<%= yield %>

Asset Pipeline Integration

  1. Add JavaScript Files: Place your JavaScript files, including on-codemerge and its dependencies, in app/assets/javascripts.

  2. Require Files in Application.js: Make sure to require on-codemerge and its dependencies in your application.js.

//= require on-codemerge
//= require textStylingButton
//= require tableButton
// Other requires
  1. Initialize On-Codemerge in Your View: You can write inline JavaScript in your view file or create a separate JavaScript file to initialize On-Codemerge.
<div id="editor"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
// Initialization code as shown above

By following these steps, you can integrate On-Codemerge into a Ruby on Rails application, providing an enhanced text editing experience in both newer and older Rails applications. This integration allows you to leverage On-Codemerge's capabilities within the Rails asset management system, whether that's through Webpacker or the traditional asset pipeline.