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Welcome to the Django-specific documentation for On-Codemerge, a versatile web editor designed for easy integration with Django applications, bringing advanced editing capabilities to Django's robust backend system.

Getting Started with Django

To use On-Codemerge in your Django project, you will need to set up the frontend environment where the editor will be utilized.


  1. Prepare Your JavaScript File: You can either use a JavaScript bundler like Webpack or include a simple JavaScript file in your Django project. For simplicity, this example will use a plain JavaScript file.

  2. Download or Install on-codemerge: You can either download the on-codemerge package and its dependencies and include them in your project's static files, or if you're using a JavaScript bundler, install it via npm or yarn.

npm install --save on-codemerge


yarn add on-codemerge

Django Integration Example

Here's how to integrate On-Codemerge into a Django application:

  1. Create Your JavaScript File: Create a new JavaScript file in your Django static files. This file will initialize On-Codemerge.
import EditorCore from 'on-codemerge';
import TextStylingButton from 'on-codemerge/textStylingButton';
import TableButton from 'on-codemerge/tableButton';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const editorElement = document.getElementById('editor');
if (editorElement) {
const editor = new EditorCore(editorElement);
editor.registerModule(new TextStylingButton());
editor.registerModule(new TableButton());
// ... additional configuration

editor.subscribeToContentChange((newContent) => {
console.log('Content changed:', newContent);

editor.setContent("Initial content goes here");
  1. Include the JavaScript in Your Django Template: In your Django template, include the JavaScript file.
{% load static %}

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- Head Contents -->
<div id="editor"></div>
<script src="{% static 'js/editor.js' %}"></script>

Make sure the path to the JavaScript file is correct, and use Django's {% static %} template tag to correctly reference static files.

  1. Collect Static Files: If you haven't already, run Django's collectstatic command to ensure all static files are gathered in the static files directory.
python collectstatic

By following these steps, you can integrate On-Codemerge into a Django application, allowing you to enhance your web projects with rich text editing features. This integration involves setting up the editor in a JavaScript file and then embedding it within Django's templating system, ensuring a seamless combination of Django's powerful backend capabilities with advanced frontend text editing.