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Welcome to the Express.js-specific documentation for On-Codemerge, a sophisticated web editor designed for easy integration with Express.js applications, enhancing your Node.js server applications with powerful frontend editing capabilities.

Getting Started with Express.js

To integrate On-Codemerge into your Express.js application, you'll be embedding it into the HTML pages that your Express.js server renders.


  1. Install on-codemerge: If you're using a modern frontend build system like Webpack or Browserify in your Express.js project, you can install On-Codemerge directly via npm.
npm install --save on-codemerge
  1. Without a Frontend Build System: If you're not using a frontend build system, you might need to include On-Codemerge directly in your HTML via a CDN or by hosting the files yourself.

Express.js Integration Example

Here's how to integrate On-Codemerge into an Express.js application:

  1. Set Up Your Express.js Server: If you haven't already, set up your Express.js application. Here's a basic setup:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;


app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');

app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server running at http://localhost:${port}`);
  1. Create Your HTML File: In your public directory, create an HTML file (e.g., index.html). This is where you'll include On-Codemerge.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Your Express App</title>
<div id="editor"></div>
<script src="path/to/on-codemerge.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/your/javascript/file.js"></script>

Make sure to include the On-Codemerge JavaScript file, either as a local file in your public directory or via a CDN.

  1. Initialize On-Codemerge in a JavaScript File: Create a JavaScript file in your public directory to initialize On-Codemerge.
// If On-Codemerge is installed via npm and using a build system
import EditorCore from 'on-codemerge';
import TextStylingButton from 'on-codemerge/textStylingButton';
import TableButton from 'on-codemerge/tableButton';

// If On-Codemerge is included via a script tag, access it via global scope
const EditorCore = window.OnCodemerge.EditorCore;
const TextStylingButton = window.OnCodemerge.TextStylingButton;
const TableButton = window.OnCodemerge.TableButton;

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const editorElement = document.getElementById('editor');
if (editorElement) {
const editor = new EditorCore(editorElement);
editor.registerModule(new TextStylingButton());
editor.registerModule(new TableButton());
// ... additional configuration

editor.subscribeToContentChange((newContent) => {
console.log('Content changed:', newContent);

editor.setContent("Initial content goes here");

By following these steps, you can integrate On-Codemerge into an Express.js application, providing a sophisticated text editing tool in your web applications. This integration allows you to leverage Express.js's capabilities for server-side logic while incorporating advanced web technologies like On-Codemerge in the frontend.