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Welcome to the documentation for On-Codemerge, a versatile web editor designed for seamless integration and functionality.


A WYSIWYG editor for on-codemerge is a user-friendly interface that allows users to edit and view their code in real time, exactly as it will appear in the final product. This intuitive tool for developers of all skill levels.



Getting Started

Start by installing On-Codemerge in your project.


To install on-codemerge, run the following command in your project directory:

npm i --save on-codemerge

Integration Example

Here's a basic example of integrating On-Codemerge into a vanilla JavaScript project:

Initialize and Register
import EditorCore from 'on-codemerge';
import TextStylingButton from 'on-codemerge/textStylingButton';
import TableButton from 'on-codemerge/tableButton';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const appElement = document.getElementById('app');
if (appElement) {
const editor = new EditorCore(appElement);
editor.registerModule(new TextStylingButton);
editor.registerModule(new TableButton);
// ... register other modules

editor.subscribeToContentChange((newContent?: string) => {

// Optional: Set initial content
editor.setContent("Your initial content here");

Each plugin adds unique functionality to the On-Codemerge editor, making it a powerful tool for web content creation and editing.