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FileButton Plugin

The FileButton plugin is a comprehensive file management tool for the On-Codemerge editor. It enhances the editor's capabilities by allowing users to upload, display, and manage files directly within the editor interface.


A WYSIWYG editor for on-codemerge is a user-friendly interface that allows users to edit and view their code in real time, exactly as it will appear in the final product. This intuitive tool for developers of all skill levels.




To integrate the FileButton plugin into the On-Codemerge editor, you need to import and register it with the EditorCore. Follow these steps for a seamless integration:

Initialize and Register FileButton
import EditorCore from 'on-codemerge';
import { FileButton } from 'on-codemerge/fileButton';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const appElement = document.getElementById('app');
if (appElement) {
const editor = new EditorCore(appElement);


The FileButton plugin offers a range of functionalities to handle files:

  • Multiple File Upload: Users can select and upload multiple files simultaneously.
  • File Display: Once uploaded, each file is represented as a block within the editor, showing the file's name.
  • Download Link: Each file block includes a download link, allowing users to download the file directly from the editor.
  • File Deletion: Users can delete uploaded files from the server and remove their representations from the editor.

How it Works

The FileButton operates by:

  1. Uploading Files: When the user selects files, the plugin uploads them to a specified server endpoint using a FormData object and an asynchronous fetch request.

  2. Creating File Blocks: For each uploaded file, a block is created in the editor with the file's name and a download link. The blocks are styled for clear visibility and user interaction.

  3. Handling File Deletion: The plugin allows for the deletion of files. When a file is deleted, a request is sent to a server endpoint, and the corresponding block is removed from the editor.

The FileButton plugin utilizes modern JavaScript features and async/await syntax for efficient file handling, making it a robust addition to the On-Codemerge editor suite.