July 4, 2024Less than 1 minute
Putting a Key-Value Pair
To put a key-value pair into the database:
"action": "put",
"key": "example_key",
"value": "example_value"
Getting a Key-Value Pair
To get a value for a given key:
"action": "get",
"key": "example_key"
Deleting a Key-Value Pair
To delete a key-value pair:
"action": "delete",
"key": "example_key"
Merging a JSON Value
To merge a JSON value into an existing key:
"action": "merge",
"key": "example_key",
"value": "{\"new_field\": \"new_value\"}"
Backup and Restore
Creating a Backup
To create a backup of the database:
"action": "backup"
Restoring from the Latest Backup
To restore the database from the latest backup:
"action": "restore_latest"
Restoring from a Specific Backup
To restore the database from a specific backup by ID:
"action": "restore",
"backup_id": 1
Getting Backup Info
To get information about available backups:
"action": "get_backup_info"
Beginning a Transaction
To begin a new transaction:
"action": "begin_transaction"
Committing a Transaction
To commit a transaction:
"action": "commit_transaction",
"txn_id": 1
Rolling Back
To roll back a transaction:
"action": "rollback_transaction",
"txn_id": 1