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OnCodemerge Docs

A WYSIWYG editor for on-codemerge

A WYSIWYG editor for on-codemerge is a user-friendly interface that allows users to edit and view their code in real time, exactly as it will appear in the final product. This intuitive tool for developers of all skill levels.


Welcome to the documentation for On-Codemerge, a versatile web editor designed for seamless integration and functionality.


A WYSIWYG editor for on-codemerge is a user-friendly interface that allows users to edit and view their code in real time, exactly as it will appear in the final product. This intuitive tool for developers of all skill levels.



Getting Started

Start by installing On-Codemerge in your project.


To install on-codemerge, run one of the following commands in your project directory, depending on your preferred package manager:

Using npm

npm install --save on-codemerge

Using yarn

yarn add on-codemerge

Using pnpm

pnpm add on-codemerge

Using bun

bun add on-codemerge

Integration Example

Here's a basic example of integrating On-Codemerge into a vanilla JavaScript project:

import 'on-codemerge/index.css';
import 'on-codemerge/plugins/ToolbarPlugin/style.css';
import 'on-codemerge/plugins/AlignmentPlugin/public.css';
import 'on-codemerge/plugins/AlignmentPlugin/style.css';

import {HTMLEditor, ToolbarPlugin, AlignmentPlugin } from 'on-codemerge';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => {
  const appElement = document.getElementById('app');
  if (appElement) {
    const editor = new HTMLEditor(editorElement);

    await editor.setLocale('ru');

    editor.use(new ToolbarPlugin());
    editor.use(new AlignmentPlugin());
    // ... register other modules

    editor.subscribeToContentChange((newContent?: string) => {

    // Optional: Set initial content
    editor.setHtml('Your initial content here');

Each plugin adds unique functionality to the On-Codemerge editor, making it a powerful tool for web content creation and editing.

Supported Locales

On-Codemerge supports multiple locales to cater to a global audience. Below is the list of available locales:

Locale CodeLanguageFile Name
zhChinese (Simplified)zh.json

Setting a Locale

To set a locale in On-Codemerge, use the setLocale method:

await editor.setLocale('ru'); // Set locale to Russian

Translating Placeholders

You can use placeholders in your translations to dynamically insert values. For example:

  "File size exceeds {{max}} limit": "File size exceeds {{max}} limit"

In your code, you can pass the max parameter when translating:

editor.t('File size exceeds {{max}} limit', { max: '10MB' });

This will output: File size exceeds 10MB limit.

Fallback Locale

If a translation key is missing in the current locale, On-Codemerge will fall back to the default locale (en by default). You can change the fallback locale using the setFallbackLocale method:

editor.setFallbackLocale('en'); // Set fallback locale to English

Getting the Current Locale

To retrieve the currently active locale, use the getCurrentLocale method:

const currentLocale = editor.getCurrentLocale();
console.log(currentLocale); // Outputs: 'ru' (if Russian is set)

Getting Loaded Locales

To get a list of all loaded locales, use the getLoadedLocales method:

const loadedLocales = editor.getLoadedLocales();
console.log(loadedLocales); // Outputs: ['en', 'ru', 'es']

Available Plugins

Below is a list of all available plugins for On-Codemerge and their functionalities:

ToolbarPluginAdds a customizable toolbar for quick access to editor features.
AlignmentPluginAllows alignment of text (left, center, right, justify).
ToolbarDividerPluginAdds a visual divider in the toolbar for better organization.
FontPluginProvides options to change font family, size, and style.
TablePluginEnables creation and editing of tables.
ImagePluginAllows inserting and managing images in the editor.
BlockPluginAdds support for block-level elements like paragraphs, headings, etc.
HTMLViewerPluginDisplays the raw HTML content of the editor.
CodeBlockPluginAdds syntax-highlighted code blocks for programming languages.
TemplatesPluginProvides pre-designed templates for quick content creation.
ExportPluginEnables exporting editor content to various formats (e.g., HTML, PDF).
HistoryPluginAdds undo/redo functionality for tracking changes.
ChartsPluginAllows embedding and editing charts in the editor.
ShortcutsPluginAdds keyboard shortcuts for faster editing.
ColorPluginProvides options to change text and background colors.
TypographyPluginAdds advanced typography options like line height, letter spacing, etc.
ListsPluginEnables creation of ordered and unordered lists.
CommentsPluginAdds support for comments and annotations in the editor.
FootnotesPluginAllows adding footnotes to the content.
FooterPluginAdds a footer section to the editor.
ResponsivePluginEnsures the editor content is responsive across devices.
LinkPluginAllows inserting and managing hyperlinks.
VideoPluginEnables embedding and managing video files.
YouTubeVideoPluginAllows embedding YouTube videos directly into the editor.
FileUploadPluginProvides functionality to upload and manage files.
CollaborationPluginEnables real-time collaborative editing with multiple users.
FormBuilderPluginForm builder plugin
SpellCheckerPluginSpell Checker plugin
BlockStylePluginClass and style editor
MathPluginMath Plugin
AIAssistantPluginAI Assistant Plugin

Plugin Configuration

FileUploadPlugin Parameters

ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
endpointsUploadEndpointsundefinedOptional endpoints for file upload and download. Includes:
- uploadstringEndpoint for uploading files.
- downloadstringEndpoint for downloading files.
maxFileSizenumber10 * 1024 * 1024 (10MB)Maximum allowed file size in bytes.
allowedTypesstring[]['*/*']Array of MIME types or wildcards (*/*) to specify allowed file types.
useEmulationbooleantrueEnables file upload emulation for testing purposes.


  new FileUploadPlugin({
    endpoints: {
      upload: '/api/upload',
      download: '/api/download',
    maxFileSize: 20 * 1024 * 1024, // 20MB
    allowedTypes: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'application/pdf'],
    useEmulation: false,


The SpellCheckerPlugin provides spell-checking functionality for the On-Codemerge editor. It relies on WebAssembly (WASM) to perform efficient spell-checking operations. To use this plugin, you need to configure your build system to handle WASM files properly.

Key Features

  • Real-time Spell Checking: Highlights misspelled words as you type.
  • Multi-language Support: Works with multiple languages.
  • WASM-based: Utilizes WebAssembly for high-performance spell checking.

Installation and Configuration

To use the SpellCheckerPlugin, you need to configure your build system (e.g., Vite) to handle WASM files. Below is an example configuration for Vite:

Vite Configuration

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import wasm from 'vite-plugin-wasm';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    // ...
    wasm(), // Enable WASM support
  optimizeDeps: {
    exclude: ['spellchecker-wasm'], // Exclude WASM library from dependency optimization


To use the SpellCheckerPlugin, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Plugin: Ensure the plugin is installed in your project.

  2. Register the Plugin: Register the plugin with the On-Codemerge editor.

  3. Configure the Plugin: Provide the necessary configuration options, such as the language dictionary.


The CollaborationPlugin enables real-time collaborative editing of documents by multiple users. It uses WebSocket to synchronize changes between clients.

Key Features

  • Real-time Collaboration: Multiple users can edit the same document simultaneously.
  • Change Synchronization: All changes are automatically synchronized between participants.
  • Version Control: Supports content versioning to prevent conflicts.
  • Connection Status: Displays the current connection status (e.g., "Connected", "Connection lost").


ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
serverUrlstring'ws://localhost:8080'URL of the WebSocket server for change synchronization.
autoStartbooleantrueAutomatically start collaboration when the plugin is initialized.

Example Usage

import { CollaborationPlugin } from 'on-codemerge';

// Initialize the plugin
const collaborationPlugin = new CollaborationPlugin({
  serverUrl: 'ws://',
  autoStart: true,

// Register the plugin with the editor

// Start collaboration

// Disconnect from the server

// Reconnect to the server

Server Integration

To use the CollaborationPlugin, a WebSocket server is required to handle the following events:

  1. join: Handles joining a document.
  2. update: Handles sending and receiving content changes.

An example implementation of a WebSocket server is provided in the collaboration-server folder of the project. This example demonstrates how to set up a basic server for real-time collaboration.

Example Server

The collaboration-server folder contains a Node.js implementation of a WebSocket server. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Navigate to the collaboration-server folder:

    cd collaboration-server
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start the server:

    npm start

The server will run on ws://localhost:8080 by default. You can modify the configuration as needed.

Server Features

  • Document Management: Tracks multiple documents and their connected clients.
  • Change Synchronization: Broadcasts changes to all connected clients in real time.
  • Automatic Cleanup: Removes inactive documents when all clients disconnect.